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The University of Southampton
Video Resources for English Language Teacher EducationObservation in teacher education

Suggestions for use

Some general suggestions for teacher educational tasks and activities related to observation are provided here.

These videos are intended as teaching resources and NOT as resources for individual study. Discussing observations on the teaching in these videos with a teacher educator and with fellow student teachers is vital in order to get the most out of these videos.

There are task suggestions accompanying the individual lessons. These will increase in number over time and you are welcome to send me suggestions for any tasks that you tried and that worked well (

 Some general notes on the use of the videos:

1) Despite having been recorded with altogether four microphones per class, students generally speak a lot more softly than teachers. When viewing these videos, ideally use headphones as these increase sound quality.

2) Some students' faces are pixelated as these individuals did not wish their images to be seen. This is not a fault in the video.

3) All videos were edited to allow for a smooth transition between various camera angles. They do, however, represent full lessons, so even quiet working time was left on.

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