Research staff are entitled to apply for promotion, even within a Fixed Term Contract, and it is also possible for researchers to transfer between pathways, known as in-level transfer.
This form is used for both promotion applications and in-level transfer requests. In both cases, your application will only be considered apt if you fulfil the criteria for role.
In 2015-16 , 46 applications for promotion from level 4 to level 5 were supported: 18 promotions were on the research pathway at this level and 4 applicants moved from the research to the balanced pathway.
The promotions round opens at the beginning of October each year. Promotions to Levels 5 and 6 are dealt with at Faculty level.
Further infomation on the promotions process can be found on the HR Intranet .
Moving up or across career pathways requires careful career planning, building your CV and developing the necessary skill-sets.
It is a good idea to regularly review the job criteria well in advance of any move, so that you can prepare and position yourself for the best chance of success.
You may also find these documents to be useful when planning your next move: