WLRG in the Press
The work of the Winchester Luxury Research Group and Professors Joanne Roberts and John Armitage have recently been receiving some good coverage in the media.
Asprire is a Luxury Travel megazine, which featured the work of two of the WLRG Professors, examining their research into the place of 'creativity' in the luxury travel experience. (Full article in the image below).
In addition, Professor Roberts has been quoted in an article from Lufthansa magazine . The article looks at the issue of art collectors merely storing their acquired works and not making them accessible to the public. Joanne comments on the way in which some of the super-rich prefer to hold their wealth as 'cultural capital' rather than just as money held in banks.
In a society which has allowed some people to stockpile a huge amount of wealth, the work of the WLRG is increasingly relevant and important, and the research emerging is giving many useful ideas for people to understand the desires and habits of that elite.