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The University of Southampton
Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design & Media

Funded research

'Creative Communities in Art and Design since the 1960s'

AHRC CDA 2012-2018

Dr Sunil Manghani is currently supervising two PhD students recruited to this research programme fully funded by the AHRC. The scheme examines the creative and critical activities of art and design subcultures in Britain and the world beyond from the age of 1960s Pop to globalised contemporary art with a focus on '798' art district in Beijing, China. The scheme also examines the economic and social benefits of art and design, within its partnership with Tate Liverpool.

Silver Shoppers: designing a better supermarket experience for the older consumer

ESRC funded £293,000
Co-funder Tsinghua University funded £30,000

This is an international collaboration research project, which aims to investigate the challenges and difficulties that elderly consumers face during their supermarket shopping process in the United Kingdom (UK) and China. The research will be conducted through focus groups, ethnographic user studies, questionnaires and co-design workshops. It will help explore the way in which supermarket service and environment design currently operates and can therefore be improved upon in order to provide a better experience to elderly consumers in these two countries. Practically, this project intends to provide empirical evidence and practical design solutions by obtaining first-hand, accurate and comprehensive research data. Strong academic and industrial collaboration will provide a high level of international research with an excellent impact factor. The collaborators include Brunel University, Tsinghua University (China), Centre for Research on Ageing at University of Southampton, and Sainsbury’s.

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