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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Digital Repository for the Creative Arts

Published: 28 June 2008

The University of Southampton is working alongside the University of the Arts and the University of the Creative Arts on Kultur, a JISC-funded project which aims to create a model of an institutional repository for use in the creative and applied arts. While institutional repositories are proficient in managing text-based research such as articles, books, and theses, they are not yet attuned to the requirements of images and time-based media.

The Kultur project aims to change this by creating a flexible multimedia repository that will be able to showcase a wide range of outputs, from digital versions of painting, photography, film, graphic and textile design, to records of performances, shows and installations.

Both staff and postgraduate students at WSA are being invited to deposit their research work on Kultur. If you're interested in becoming a contributor, please get in contact with Clare Hemmings: email .

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