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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Fine Art Graduates exhibit in the Old Hyde Laundry

Published: 7 June 2009

This year WSA is breaking new ground for its Fine Art Degree Show. The students have been working to produce a single exhibition uniting Painting, Sculpture, New Media and Print for the first time. A beautiful, 200 page book including all of this years graduating Fine Art students has also been designed and produced by the students.

Another exciting development has been the expansion of the exhibition to include an off-site location, the Old Hyde Laundry on Hyde Abbey Road, Winchester. This industrial building has stood empty, awaiting redevelopment, for the past several years and the owner has kindly donated it to WSA for the period of the degree show exhibition. It provides a unique opportunity for the students to produce their work on a scale previously unimagined. Here, visitors to the exhibition will experience a wide range of art works in different media including, large scale sculptural installations, site-specific works, video, photographic and drawn pieces. Most of the works in this part of the degree show have been conceived to respond in some manner to the actual building itself. Several are completely integrated into its structure.

At the main WSA site on Park Avenue the entire studio complex is being transformed for the exhibition to take place. A frenzy of demolition, building, cleaning and painting culminates on the evening of Friday June 19th with the Private View. At 6pm the work of some 85 graduating Fine Art students finally goes on public exhibition.

To see images of the degree show set-up please click here .

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