Adding designs to surveys
Dr David Birks, Senior Lecturer in Marketing Research at WSA is chairing the sixth International Conference of the Association of Survey Computing (ASC) next month at the University of Bristol.
This is the world’s leading society for the advancement of knowledge in software and technology for research and statistics. David is looking at how visual and design thinking can be integrated into surveys.
One innovative paper has been inspired by the Royal Wedding. Simon Atkinson of Ipsos MORI and Sean Conry of Techneos have carried out a study for Sky News on the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton for Sky News. They captured ‘classic’ survey-based information, through structured questionnaires, putting their respondents to work, to tell us their story, in the form of ‘Royal Wedding Moments’, making sense of what was told by analysing text, photos and GPS information.
David comments; “Social media, mobile computing and a rediscovery of observational data are moving researchers into unfamiliar territories. Boundaries are shifting as qualitative and quantitative approaches in research are seen to merge and cross over. The focus of the conference will be to look at how technology can provide solutions that will achieve relevance and vitality for research in the years to come.”