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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

New Games Design and Art Course To Begin at Winchester School of Art

Published: 30 July 2014

A brand new course in computer games design and art will be launched at WSA this academic year.

The new BA (Hons) Games Design & Art, which will begin in September, is designed to offer a range of core modules, option choices and flexibility of learning, aiming to provide students with the opportunity to study theoretical and career-orientated modules that will provide them with understanding and skills applicable to future employment in the games industry.

The programme is already attracting a lot of staff and student attention. The games industry is one of the fastest growing and grossing sectors in the world and specifically within the UK, tax incentives are being created to encourage companies to bring businesses working in this area to the UK.

Acting Programme Leader Adam Procter explains, “Our students will not only be gaining a comprehensive understanding of the working world of games design and an opportunity to study with an expert pool of individuals ranging from graphic designers to computing specialists, but will also be questioning the role of gaming and pushing the boundaries of what gaming could be.”

Click here for further information about the course.

Diogo Lopes' video game console tells the story of a man’s midlife crisis.
Video Game Artwork by Diogo Lopes
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