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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

WSA to host conference at the National Media Museum

Published: 14 October 2014
National Media Museum at night

Winchester School of Art is co-hosting an upcoming conference with the National Media Museum on archiving in the digital age.

The conference, entitled Archives 2.0: Saving the Past, Anticipating the Future , will take place in November, and consider the challenges and opportunities around the acquisition and management of visual archives by cultural institutions.

The event will include significant participation with the BBC, and will include a panel by WSA academics Professor Ryan Bishop and Dr Sunil Manghani with John Stack, Head of Digital at Tate, Christina Duffy, Imaging Scientist at the British Library, Marq Smith, Founding Editor of the Journal of Visual Culture and Kristoffer Gansing, Artistic Director of the Berlin-based media festival transmediale.

The panel brings together a number of WSA partners and collaborating institutions, including the National Media Museum and the Science Group. Bishop and Manghani will also head up a plenary at the event.

The conference takes place 25-26 November at the National Media Museum.

Click here for further information and to book a ticket for the conference .

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