Mike Bastin Appears in Chinese Media
Following a successful tour of China, WSA's MA Pathway Co-ordinator for Fashion Marketing and Branding, Mike Bastin, has been appearing on Chinese TV and a newspaper, talking about international trade and branding and its relation to China.
Mike spent two week in March and April of this year travelling all around China to talk about his speciality and learn more about how branding is viewed in the country, (all of which was documented over on our blog ).
Since his return he has appeared on Chinese television and published an article in a Chinese newspaper.
The first was an appearance, on 16th April, on World Insight, an international current affairs programme hosted in Beijing by China Central Television to discuss the reasons why the number of Chinese companies purchasing overseas companies and their brands in increasing. The clip is available to view at http://english.cntv.cn/2016/04/16/VIDEXveDY21K8Txzy5wnwbzF160416.shtml
Then, on the 22nd, his article appeared in the Europse edition of the China Daily. Based on his recent China trip. he attempts to explain subtle but important regional and city cultures across China, even when cities are very close neighbours. This article, 'A tale of how neighboring cities differ' can be accessed at http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2016-04/22/content_24766754.htm
There are very strong links between WSA and China, and trips like Mike's are working hard to make those even stronger.