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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

New Luxury Publications from the WLRG

Published: 26 April 2016
Critical Luxury Studies book

The Winchester Luxury Research Group, part of Winchester School of Art, are proud to announce two major new publications on Luxury from within the group.

The first is a book entitled Critical Luxury Studies: Art, Design, Media , edited by WSA Professors John Armitage and Joanne Roberts. Described as 'a critical approach to contemporary luxury studies focusing on aesthetic, design-led and media practice with key case studies' the book gathers together the foremost scholars in this innovative, distinctive, and expanding subject.

Providing a technoculturally inspired survey of the mediated arts and design, the book also attempts to understand the ways in which the concept of luxury is being redefined in the twenty-first century.

Cultural Politics: Spirit of Luxury

The WLRG is also proud to have produced a special edition of the academic journal, Cultural Politics , dedicated to its area of research, entitled 'The Spirit of Luxury'. Again edited by Professors John Armitage and Joanne Roberts, this issue of the journal which aims to 'examine the political ramifications of global cultural productions across artistic and academic disciplines' focusses on modern and historical interpretations of Luxury, and attempts to place it in a socio-cultural and political context.

In an age of Instagram, bloggers and vloggers, the concept of luxury is more prominent than it has ever been, but is also subject to constant change and reinterpretation. As such, the research work of the WLRG is at the cutting edge of understanding this subject, and these publications are important additions to the discussion.

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