The Problemless Anonymous - Gary Roberts, WSA Alumni
Gary Roberts, a WSA Graphic Arts alumni, is now a filmmaker, and his latest work, 'The Problemless Anonymous', will be shown at the BAFTA-Qualifying London Short Film Festival, and has been nominated for the 'Hampshire Prize' at the Winchester Short Film Festival 2016.
Gary attended WSA between 2006-2009 and has gone on to be a self-taught filmmaker. After graduation he moved to London and after a very short-lived stint at trying to be an illustrator, he started teaching himself film/animation. He made the odd short film/music video to cut his teeth on before moving in-house at a creative agency and directing/art directing full time for clients such as Chivas, CBS, Canal+, BBC, Sky etc.
Towards the end of last year, he entered a local borough funding scheme (run by Talkies Community Cinema and Short Sighted Cinema) in London. He was then chosen to make a short film which ended up evolving into The Problemless Anonymous .
It is a satirical sci-fi short film about a world where perfection is illegal and anybody that tests “positive” must attend an imperfection clinic to undertake an evaluation to determine what problem they would be given in order to assimilate into the world around them. The trailer can be found here: .
The next UK screening will be at the BAFTA-Qualifying London Short Film Festival between the 6-15th January 2017. Programme and ticket info will be online sometime in Dec via
The film has also been nominated for the 'Hampshire Prize' at the Winchester Short Film Festival 2016.
You can find out more about Gary and his work on his website at