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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

'A Single Line of Poetry' - Shared Drive 2016

Published: 7 October 2016
Artwork proposal

As part of this year's Winchester Poetry Festival, the students of WSA's Fine Art Degree have been working on a project based on a line of poetry taken from one of the Festival's featured poets.

Every year, all of the Fine Art students, from across the three years of the programme, band together to undertake a single large-scale 'Shared Drive' project. This year the artwork - selected from 12 proposals developed from lines of poetry by a range of authors - has been based on a line by Sarah Howe from her collection, Loop of Jade .

The line: ‘I think about the meaning of blood , which is (simply) a metaphor and race which has been a terrible pun.’ (from ‘(l) Others’) has inspired a series of human foms linked by arteries of blood to represent the biological commonality of all races.

The full artwork will be on display in WSA's Sculpture Studio from 15.00 today, with an accompanying performance from 15.30.

The initial propsals are also being displayed, in The Winchester Gallery, so the work that went into the large exhibit can be understood in context.

Accompanying all of these, Dr Calum Kerr, WSA Teaching Fellow in Creative Writing, has written a series of poems and stories responding to the proposed artworks, and these will also form part of the exhibition.

The large artwork will be available to view in the Sculpture Studio from 15.00 to 18.00 today, and from 11.00 to 15.00 on Saturday 8th October.

The exhibition of the initial proposals will be on in the Gallery until Friday 14th October, available between 11.00 and 15.00.

The Winchester Poetry Festival is taking place from 7th - 9th October, and more information can be found at

Artwork proposal
Artwork proposal
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