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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Dr. Valentina Cardo in The Guardian

Published: 5 October 2016
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Dr. Valentina Cardo, Lecturer in Social Media and Network Culture, has recently been interviewed for a piece in The Guardian about dual Instagram accounts.

The article looks at the rise of 'Real' and 'Fake' accounts ( Rinstagram and Finstagram ) whereby people can present a public face to the masses - with carefully curated images that reflect well on them - and also share more candid and ordinary photos with a select number of friends.

Cardo expressed a lack of surprise over this fashion and described how we always filter how we present ourselves, whether online or off. She said, “We mostly have the freedom to represent ourselves in different ways. We do not always fully disclose. How we filter reality online is not that different to a conversation with a friend. Narratives of the self always contain an element of self-censorship.”

The world of social media - and how it changes and interacts with everyday life - is one that is increasingly under scrutiny not just by the public and press, but also by academics who using it as part of thei research, especially here at WSA where the topic is included in MA courses such as Global Media Management and Communication Design .

The full Guardian article can be read online at

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