Exhibition - MM/1: When removed from view, removed from existence - 19/01/17-09/02/17
'MM/1: When removed from view, removed from existence' is an exhibition being held at Winchester School of Art from 19th January to 9th February 2017. The curator, Doreen Rios Quijano, is a student on the MA Contemporary Curation.
Flowing through the real and the ideal, digital creation meets an urge for structuring multiple narratives that seek the impossible. From image editing to virtual reality approaches, digitally based artwork tend to share a very advantageous and unusual capability: ubiquity.
The term ubiquity has been used since the 16th century and was strictly attached to religious connotations. However, since the creation of the World Wide Web this term has also been used to define the flow of digital data. This new virtual world has granted art the ability of being in various places simultaneously.
This is the first show of meta/motion — a series of exhibition exchanges between Latin America and the United Kingdom — it puts together the artwork of 7 Mexican artists who have seen in digital media, and more specifically, in the internet a way to “translate all input into binary structures so they can be stored, transferred, or manipulated” (Lunenfeld, 1999) and have also pushed barriers within the interaction of the viewer and the consumption of their artwork.
[ANTI]MATERIA — an online/offline platform regarding digital art in Latin America created by MA Contemporary Curation student Doreen Rios — in collaboration with the Winchester School of Arts, invite you all to this exhibition. It will take place from 19th January 2017 to 9th February 2017, both online (via DAD dad.digital and anti-materia.org) and offline, in the foyer of West Side building at the WSA.
Complimentary, a free public program will be held and it will have various activities such as short-film projections, an artist talk with Diego Ortega, a portfolio review by the curator of the show, a Q&A session with artist Luis Nava and a workshop on video mapping by Mexican studio KE/MP.
A catalog will be created as a special issue of LARMAGAZINE and will be available online in February 2017.