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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Amanda Bragg-Mollison on BBC Radio 4

Published: 24 February 2017
Amanda Bragg-Mollison

Amanda Bragg-Mollison, Programme Leader for Fashion Marketing and Fashion Management here at Winchester School of Art, was interviewed on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 on the morning of Saturday 18th February, talking about the Canada Goose brand.

The feature focussed on the stock-market floatation of the Canada Goose brand, which saw immense success after celebrities started wearing their coats. The bulk of the interview was about the development of this type of deal and the importance of having the right people wearing brands these days, including bloggers / influencers.

Canada Goose has been in business since the late 1950s, starting with woollens and outerwear, then progressing to Arctic and mountain expedition coats and more recently, luxury jackets. The company has seen rapid growth of late and, while it does use fur and down in its coats, the company says "down only comes as a by-product from the poultry industry and has not come from live-plucked or force-fed birds". Its fur comes from regulated trappers and not fur farms, it says. [Source: BBC online .]

The Fashion Marketing /Management programme at WSA, for which Amanda is programme leader, prides itself on developing leading creative marketing and management professionals for the fashion industry. It is designed to produce highly employable graduates with a specific understanding of the fashion industry and we promote the understanding of fashion marketing and management theory and a critical appreciation of visual communications and digital media.

Amanda has fifteen years of international experience in marketing/ management, and has held strategic roles with companies in the fields of branding and promotion, both in the UK, France and the USA.

The interview can still be heard, online, at and starts at the 15 minute mark.

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