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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

New Student Magazine at Dalian : UNI

Published: 20 April 2017
Magazine cover

Students of Winchester School of Art's China campus in Dalian have started their own student magazine “UNI”. The launch took place earlier this academic year with a ceremony including participation of WSA students and the faculty. It is a collaboration programme between Dalian Polytechnic University and University of Southampton.

The magazine is meant to not only provide a platform for students to practise English writing, but also offer a space for sharing their artistic exploration and inspiration, promoting their creativity within and outside of the school’s Fashion and Graphics programmes.

In the first issue the students contemplated being a university student, discussed graphic street art and unusual photography projects, talked about uncommon materials in fashion design, and also shared their success as graphic designers in a competition from a reputed design studio in the UK.

New issues of the magazine will be released at least once a term. The next edition is expected to roll off the presses in May-June 2017.

UNI interior
UNI interior
The Launch event
The Launch event
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