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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

WFW Catwalk Show

Published: 28 April 2017
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Winchester Fashion Week reaches its grand finale tomorrow, Saturday 29th April, with a Catwalk Show being held in the Guildhall.

Students from Winchester School of Art, from the MA Fashion Design, will be part of the show, exhibiting their work alongside many well known brands.

Organisers have described the works, gathered together under the title Botanica , as:

'a unique space that merges the botanical world with the fashion world in a fresh and spectacular way.  Using all recycled paper, you will see shimmering butterflies camouflaged within the garments, vibrant dangles of shredded paper as florals and so many more enchanting garments.

Inspired by sustainability and recycled materials our fashion students’ collections have a sense of magpie nostalgia, radiant and so beautifully colourful.

In this age of fast fashion and planned obsolescence, where consumers are taught there is no value in ‘things’, we are working towards a sustainable future where fashion is not disposable, and the craft of the designer — the making of ‘things’ — is to be celebrated.'

The show will be accompanied by a Fashion Fair.

Doors open at 6pm, with the Catwalk Show starting at 7pm. Tickets are £10 (£8 concessions) and more information about this, and all the rest of the week's events, can be found at .

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