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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Virtual Art Club

Published: 29 October 2020
Virtual Art Club logo

Winchester School of Art welcomes you to join it’s virtual studio; a collaborative, experimental online space in which to study and explore art and design. In this 8 week short course, you will join with like-minded creatives and work together on a range of activities and collaborative works of art. During your time at the Virtual Art Club you will have the opportunity to learn both art theory and study artists, as well as learn new ways of working and producing work digitally, online and collaboratively.

The Virtual Art Club is a completely free activity, for persons aged 13-16, who live in Hampshire . Artists of all levels are welcome at the WSA Virtual Art Club, though you should be willing and prepared to work collaboratively – you may need to share or discuss your work with the group or be part of a larger collaborative piece of work. You may also be set some brief homework each week, which may be used during the following session.

To join the WSA Virtual Art Club you will need your own computer and a working microphone and webcam. You will also need some A4 paper (or sketchbook at a size of your choosing) and a pencil. However, you are welcome to bring along any other materials you’d like to use, for example: coloured pencils, pastels or paint. All activities can be accomplished with paper and pencil but we encourage members to experiment.

Sample sessions and topics include, but are not limited to: creating a collaborative piece of artwork with the group in real-time via an online tool, examining digital identity through the use of animoji’s and group work drawing each other using simplified portraiture, working with art manifestos and the creation of posters, video art and working with home footage, basic editing techniques and making collaborative film, discussion around human sculpture and a collaborative piece of work to make shapes and objects using our webcams.

The Virtual Art Club will run every Tuesday evening for 8 weeks, from 1730-1930, commencing on Tuesday 15th September and the last session finishing Tuesday 3rd November. There are only 15 places available for the Virtual Art Club 2020 and these are booked via Eventbrite, link below. You must be a Hampshire resident to take part and your parent or guardian must complete and return a sign-up form and a photography permission form prior to commencement of the course. Those booked on will be invited to meet with the Tutor prior to the start of the course, for a brief introduction.

Members who complete all 8 weeks will be awarded a certificate of completion, to be sent digitally via email. Worked produced by the club will be exhibited in an online exhibition, alongside screenshots and snippets of recordings of the clubs collaborate activity and process.

For more information about the Virtual Art Club, please contact Craig Wadman, via .

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