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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Global Futures Speaker Series - Nooshin Farhid Event

Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design & Media
15:30 - 17:30
27 February 2013
Lecture Theatre B, Level 2, Eastside

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Dr Victoria Walters on 02380596925 or email .

Event details

Reconstruction, Point of Recognition - Artist Talk and Screening

Screening - 15:30

Artist Talk - 16:00

Nooshin Farhid’s videos appropriate different narrative situations and filmic genres, re-presenting them in new scenarios. Her starting point is often the ordinary, the commonplace or the culturally familiar. She acutely observes these mundane events extracting and editing them in such a way that there is an interplay between lucidity and reason. Farhid’s work as a collagist – using her own film as well as found material – stays close to the directly human element in film. She blends the various languages of film, such as cartoons, the documentary, the interview, cinéma vérité and reality TV, to produce non-sense that has lost its usual infrastructure of meaning.

Nooshin Farhid was born in Tehran, Iran and lives in London. She came to the UK as a political refugee. She has been involved in a number of exhibitions, screenings and festivals internationally. She also co-curated a number of exhibitions including ‘Use this kind of Sky’ which manifests as gallery show, video installation, radio broadcast, film/video screening and publication ( ).

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