Deconstructing the Power and Postcolonial Meaning of Lingerie for Urban Professional Women Living in India - Dr Lipi Begum Event
- Time:
- 16:00 - 17:30
- Date:
- 30 November 2016
- Venue:
- Harvard Suite (Room Number 3032), WSA
For more information regarding this event, please email Professor John Armitage at .
Event details
In this talk Lipi will present excerpts from her doctoral study (2009-2015, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London), which deconstructed the meanings of lingerie for young professional Indian women living in the rapidly changing cities of Delhi and Bombay. Lingerie meanings are evaluated against the backdrop of rapid urbanisation, media liberalisation and economic growth – factors that have given rise to postcolonial social tensions surrounding dress choice and sexual freedom. The presentation will expose how the urban Indian woman’s gendered body is caught up in multiple power struggles oscillating between control and being controlled. Lipi will conclude by highlighting how there is still limited understanding of non-western gendered fashion contexts, and discuss the uses of postcolonial theory for better marketing.
Speaker information
Dr Lipi Begum,Dr Lipi Begum is lecturer and programme leader for the MA in Fashion Management at the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. She is first editor of the forthcoming book Styling South Asian Youth Cultures and Fashion, IB Tauris (eds Dasgupta R, Lewis R, 2017) and recently appointed Reviews and Open Space Editor for the International Journal of Fashion Studies (eds Rocamora A, Volonte P, Intellect). Lipi has worked as a consultant for the United Nations Better Work in Textiles and Garments sustainable fashion project in Dhaka, Bangladesh and regularly advises on the development of South Asian fashion creative industries in the UK. Currently she is strategic advisor for the Oitij-jo Fashion, Design and Textiles Collective and a founding member of the Muslin Trust. Her research profile can be viewed at: