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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Fashion Brand Valuation: Where Marketing Meets Finance - Mike Bastin Event

Mike Bastin
16:00 - 17:30
1 February 2017
WSA, Harvard Suite (Room Number 3032)

For more information regarding this event, please email Professor John Armitage at .

Event details

Brand building across more and more industries is essentially about developing intangible brand values as perceived by the consumer, and the fashion industry is no different. In fact, intangible brand values feature even more significantly where fashion brands are concerned. Fashion brands and their intangible brand value is not at all difficult to talk about but measurement and even quantification presents a huge challenge. This staff seminar paper sets out a critical review of the most well known, and often used in the fashion industry, measurement methods and techniques. Shortcomings are highlighted, which are considered most critical to better measurement and a more comprehensive conceptual measurement model outlined.

Speaker information

Mike Bastin ,Mike’s business and academic career spans over 25 years with undergraduate and postgraduate (MBA) teaching and business training in Europe, America and Asia, especially China. Holding a Visiting Professorship at a top-ranked Chinese University, the University of International Business and Economics, Mike continues to teach in China and conduct consumer and organisational research in this area. Mike’s latest publication, a chapter in the book Advances in Chinese Brand Management published in November last year by Palgrave, adds to numerous international academic journal and international newspaper articles.

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