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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

WSA Staff Seminar Series - Stephen Mortimer Seminar

Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design & Media
Stephen Mortimer
16:00 - 18:00
28 January 2015
Harvard Suite (Room number: 3032), Winchester School of Art

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Professor John Armitage at .

Event details

Le Corbusier: The Most Influential Architect of the 20th Century? Hero or Villain?

Le Corbusier was the advocate and designer of post-war high rise tower blocks, resulting in 13 million flats in Europe, sometimes described as the nightmare of social housing.

Although many tower blocks have been demolished, as the world's urban population increases, the return to high rise living is being advocated. In terms of 'Design Management' the backlash against Le Corbusier saw the concept of community involvement and end user involvement in design.

This seminar will briefly describe the legacy of Le Corbusier, societal pressures and what lessons have designers learnt.

Speaker information

Stephen Mortimer ,Deputy Head of School. Stephen Mortimer is a chartered building surveyor and involved in social housing both as a professional and local politics in commissioning designers. His 40 year experience started in 1972 as the first of the 'new' tower blocks were being demolished, up to present day refurbishment schemes.

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