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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Media Archaeology in an Art School, or, What Does the AMT Research Group Do? Seminar

the speakers
16:00 - 17:30
25 October 2017
Harvard Suite (Room Number 3032)

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Professor Jussi Parikka at .

Event details

This session will introduce the Archaeologies of Media and Technology (AMT)-research group: “An office for media theory and speculative practice in art and design.” The seminar discusses what media archaeology is and how we practice media archaeology in an art and design school. AMT is a platform for theoretical and practice-based research as well as a range of activities from screenings to reading groups. AMT members Dr. Jane Birkin and Dr. Mihaela Brebenel will talk through their research interests and the seminar also functions as the launch of the new AMT Office Manual, designed and conceptualised by Birkin with Jussi Parikka. Amt – (German) an administrative unit, office Also: Airy Mean Time, a time standard used for timekeeping on Mars AMT online:

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