Professor Sunil Manghani: Critical Practices - An Open Forum Seminar
- Time:
- 16:00 - 17:30
- Date:
- 11 October 2017
- Venue:
- Harvard Suite (Room Number 3032), WSA
For more information regarding this seminar, please email Professor John Armitage at .
Event details
This seminar will take the opportunity to introduce the Critical Practices Research Group and its new web presence. The aim of the group is to provide a ‘home' for all of us engaging with practices of art, design and curation across the School. Presented as an open forum, the session will open up discussion about the purview of the group, to consider a range of engagements with critical practices research and how as a group we can showcase our work. The seminar will also be an occasion to look ahead to upcoming plans for this academic year. As part of which, the preparations for working with Tate Exchange will be discussed, which hopefully will be of interest to a good number us across the School, and with strong ties to teaching (so helping to promote links between research, engagement and teaching).
Speaker information
Professor Sunil Manghani ,Sunil Manghani is Professor of Theory, Practice & Critique and Director of Doctoral Research at the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. He studied Anthropology and Communication Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London, in the early 1990s, and later completed a Masters and PhD in Critical Theory at the University of Nottingham. He teaches and writes on various aspects of critical theory, visual arts and image studies. In overseeing the PhD programme at the School he is engaged with a wide range doctoral research and helps to support the broader research community. He has a particular interest in the practice-based PhD and is currently engaged in a project, Situations of Writing, which examines ‘writing’ as a diverse set of practices and the writer as both author and producer.