Daniel Cid - Zero Flat Seminar
- Time:
- 16:00 - 17:30
- Date:
- 6 December 2017
- Venue:
- Harvard Suite (Room Number 3032), WSA
For more information regarding this seminar, please email Professor John Armitage at J.Armitage@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
Zero Flat is an experimental project to temporarily house homeless people who don’t want to leave the street. The proposal was made in order to provide real input to the project which Arrels Foundation intended to carry out, using the flat provided by the City Council of Barcelona for such uses, at 84 Carme Street. The main objective of the project was to hold the essential connotations of a house, but without losing the versatility of a temporary or portable accommodation. The idea was to meet the needs of users not only from a care and legal perspective, but also to understand the values and expectations of the accommodation, as well as its associated functions and symbols. It had to be able to embrace the essential features of a house without losing the versatility of a provisional home. Essentially and at a minimum, the flat was supposed to be like an urban fold, to move back from the street and yet be welcoming; and at the end and just as a remote possibility: to inspire the desire of living in a home. With this seminar, I want to explain the process of work and reflection followed in this project.
Speaker information
Dr Daniel Cid ,is Associate Professor of Design Studies within Winchester School of Art at the University of Southampton. He has recently conducted research projects based on design innovation or social design as Design Decoding (2015) with elBulli, Ferran Adrià and Elisava Barcelona School of Design, Dress Rehearsal. Food Waste, Design and City (2016) at Design Hub Barcelona or Zero Flat in collaboration with Arrels Foundation (an experimental domestic project for homeless currently in progress).