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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

The Winchester Luxury Research Group Seminar

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16:30 - 17:30
21 February 2018
Harvard Suite (Room Number 3032), WSA.

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Professor John Armitage on .

Event details

Established in 2014, the Winchester Luxury Research Group (WLRG) undertakes leading edge investigations into the social, cultural, and economic impact of luxury. Embedded in WSA, the members of WLRG engage in research that recognises the artistic and cultural aspects of luxury in the contemporary globalised world. Beginning with the presentation of a new short film outlining the WLRG’s research, the introduction to the work of the WLRG will also involve Joanne Roberts discussing her research on luxury and knowledge, Jonathan Faiers on fashion, fur and the frontiers of luxury, Yasmin Sekhon on luxury consumption, well-being and happiness amongst children, and John Armitage on luxury and visual culture and luxury and crime.


Dr Joanne Roberts is Professor of Arts and Cultural Management, Dr John Armitage is Professor of Media Arts, Dr Jonathan Faiers is Professor of Fashion Thinking, and Dr Yasmin Sekhon is an Associate Professor in Luxury Marketing, all at Winchester School of Art.

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