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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Research project: Barcelona Masala: Narratives and Interactions In Cultural Space

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This publication is the culmination of workshops devised by Robert D’Souza and conducted over a three-year period in Barcelona in collaboration with Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny.

Work was presented in public spaces in the city to promote cultural exchange and dialogues between Asian immigrants and the city’s Spanish inhabitants.

Three separate workshops/projects are documented here instigated by Ed D'Souza in collaboration with the Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny.

Workshops conducted with Elisava students have presented work in public spaces over a three-year period in the Raval district of Barcelona. The workshop/project aims were to promote cultural exchange and dialogues between the Asian immigrant population of the Raval and the wider city in a period of time that the Raval has transformed through migratory change.

The 200-page publication locates the art/design works produced within a framework of history, cultural change, social politics and contemporary art production. The publisher is ACTAR Birkhauser a leading Barcelona based publisher of books in architecture, graphic design, and contemporary art. Edited by Robert D’Souza and Daniel Cid including written contributions from Félix Pérez-Hita, N. Paricio, and A. Pujol.

This project is part of an ongoing research direction where the artist/designer develops projects between institutions, which document and disseminate ideas of how contemporary communication; design and artistic expression can contribute to social understanding and improvement.

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