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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Research strategy

At Winchester School of Art we are committed to sustaining a major international centre for research in global art, design, and media.

We are proud to be a hub for important public events and offer a vibrant venue for artists and intellectuals to debate the key issues of the 21st century. We have developed partnerships with major public bodies and corporations and actively encourage collaborations with materials and computer scientists, visualisation and software engineers, and with physical and life sciences as well as the economic, social & political sciences, and humanities.

Our research encompasses fine art, graphic arts, fashion and textile design, marketing, branding, management and contemporary arts, curatorship, and our researchers disseminate creative practice in all these areas through internationally-recognised publications and exhibitions. We uphold a dialogic approach to all material and intellectual practices; seeking specific ways and means of thinking; producing critical knowledge and objects; and using resources in dynamic and creative ways.

Read more about our Research Centre

In an era of constant technological change our practices are inherently both critical and creative. All processes and forms of productions are entwined through digital and online mediations of content and interpretation. We engage with traditional and contemporary materials in fashion, textiles and design and consultancy and partnerships are with both the cultural and industrial sectors. Our commitment to the social, political, economic and environmental challenges of our time has led to us working internationally.

We have major strengths in media archaeology, cultural politics, critical luxury studies, as well as a range of creative practices, including notable engagement with social art and design practice . We have key connections and partnerships in India and the sub-continent, East and South-East Asia, and South America. Other research areas include: the history and philosophy of art, media and communications, image studies, fashion and media, digital and biomedia, post-digital print, and the creative industries.

We share a belief that art and design matter, that they can provide solutions to our problems, and forewarn us of emerging challenges.Where sciences produce knowledge and professional schools concern themselves with health, wealth, shelter and other values; our unique challenge is to debate the value of these values, and to create the grounds where they can be communicated and argued over.

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