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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art Undergraduate study

Exchange Opportunities

Studying abroad as part of your degree is an enriching and enjoyable experience that is also highly valued by employers.

The undergraduate curriculum at Winchester School of Art has been designed to allow you to spend a semester abroad in the second semester of your second year, should you choose to do so. The work you produce abroad will be assessed and contribute fully to your marks.

Winchester School of Art has agreements with institutions across the European Union, under the Erasmus scheme and also with institutions further afield. For a list of current exchange opportunities, see the Exchanges document in Useful Downloads.

Incoming Exchanges

The University also welcomes student exchange applications. You can apply if:

Unfortunately, due to the pressure of numbers, we are not able to accept 'free movers'.

Our student exchange links are associated with particular subject areas, i.e. Fine Art (Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, New Media, Interdisciplinary), Graphic Arts (Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography, Motion Graphics) or Fashion and Textile Design (Fashion Design, Knitwear for Fashion, Printed Textiles, Woven Textiles). Please check that your university and WSA have an exchange link in the subject area you wish to apply to.

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