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The University of Southampton
Winchester School of Art

Now we have proof! - Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter

Book cover

The Winchester Gallery,
Winchester School of Art,
University of Southampton,
Westside Building,
Ground Floor,
Park Avenue,
SO23 8DL

12 October – 13 November 2018

Mondays – Thursdays 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Fridays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Saturday, 13 October, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Saturday, 27 October 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

The Winchester Gallery is proud to bring Now we have proof! by Berlin-based Danish artist Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter to Winchester School of Art.

Whenever we hear about yet another implementation of digital automation or artificial intelligence, we are basically hearing about algorithms that sort information and delegate actions in ever-expanding data environments. By feeding the algorithm with enough data, the rationale goes, it will eventually take the right decision, better than humans could themselves. The exhibition Now we have proof! is about the tendency to take the algorithm, data and their validity for granted. The central work of the exhibition is itself based on a simple algorithm that shows the arbitrary way by which one can set up a system to collect, compute and output information. This algorithm has been developed from a historical example of a simple numerological system and set to work on streams of RSS feeds, online information from various news sites. The result is not to be taken literally but rather paints a portrait of our often-absurd contemporary media environment, with its paranoiac and conspiratorial elements as well as its obsession with truth through data analytics.

Private View & Book Launch
31 Oct. 5:30pm – 8:00 pm (book launch at 6:30pm)

Post Digital Book Production Workshop

2 Day Workshop with Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter and Olle Essvik

30 & 31 October 2018 -  Winchester Gallery

Artists Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter and Olle Essvik will be conducting a two-day workshop on 30 & 31 October to accompany Linda’s exhibition NOW WE HAVE PROOF! in The Winchester Gallery. The workshop is inspired by our Book Launch for the latest collaboration of artists’ book Linda and Olle have made in this project. The Book Launch is a part of our Private View celebrations on 31 October (more on this below).

The workshop for staff and students at WSA engages with post digital book production. The workshop is in two sessions. The first session will focus on designing a simple system for collecting and sorting information / content (our input session). In the second session, you will work with the artists to produce your own small book (our output session). We will celebrate these works in a collective book launch in The Winchester Gallery immediately following the end of session two.

30 October 2018

10am - 12pm Input Session
Workshop with Linda Hilfling Ritasdatter
Linda will also be in the gallery from 1pm onwards for people to drop in to discuss about the exhibition and her project.

31 October 2018

12pm - 5pm Output Session
Workshop with Olle Essvik in hands-on bookbinding
And with conversation on artists’ books with Linda, Olle, and Noriko Suzuki-Bosco

5:30pm – 8pm ‘Private View and Book Launch (6:30pm)’
Books made during the workshops will also be on display during the private view in The Winchester Gallery.

Workshop place must be booked through Eventbrite. Max 15 people. You will be asked to attend both workshop sessions on 30 & 31 October.

To book on Eventbrite:

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