Web Science Student awarded WSI Prize
The Web Science Institute has established an annual prize for outstanding academic performance in Web Science. The first recipient of this prize was Ellie Hamilton (far right in the photograph) who was awarded the prize at the Graduation reception on Wednesday 20 July. Ellie graduated with a First Class degree in Web Science and has taken up a graduate training position with Not on the High Street.com.
The University of Southampton established the world's first BSc Web Science in 2013. The programme allows students to choose between two 'pathways': Web Science (Social Science) and Web Science (Computer Science). Students on both pathways take a shared core curriculum, which enables development of the knowledge and skills required to develop a critical understanding of the Web, its history and current trajectories of development. These core modules draw on a range of disciplines to offer a common grounding in Web Science.
We are hugely proud of our first cohort to graduate - a testament of the University's commitment to innovation in interdisciplinary education.