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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute

Privitar: How to Protect Private Data

Published: 2 November 2017

Jason McFall, Chief Technical Officer at Privitar, gave a talk for the Web Science Centre for Doctoral Training on “How to Protect Private Data”. Jason is responsible for Privitar’s research agenda, technology strategy and product development.

Jason McFall has spent over a decade leading teams building enterprise software to record, analyse and act in real-time upon large and complex sets of customer data.

Dame Wendy Hall introduced the talk, providing a bit of background about her own career and links to Privitar before another Jason, Jason Dupres, spoke about Privitar itself. Jason Dupres is the CEO of the company, and said that the Snowden leaks were the tipping point in his mind of when the public became worried about data privacy. Jason said although we’re moving towards a data-driven economy, people often don’t make good decisions about data.

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