A Distinguished Lecture with Richard Rogers, 'Otherwise Engaged: Social Media from Vanity Metrics to Critical Analytics’

In a talk to an audience of Academics and Students, Professor Rogers calls for a change in how social networks are studied by Social Researchers.
You can find out more about the talk he gave at the University of Southampton on Thursday 22 March via the links below.
About the Speaker
Richard Rogers is Professor of New Media & Digital Culture, Media Studies, University of Amsterdam. He is director of the Govcom.org Foundation as well as the Digital Methods Initiative, known for the development of the Issuecrawler and other software tools for the study of online data and the ’natively digital’. Rogers also directs the Netherlands Research School for Media Studies. He is author of Information Politics on the Web (MIT Press, 2004), awarded best information science book of the year by the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) and Digital Methods (MIT Press, 2013), awarded outstanding book of the year by the International Communication Association (ICA). His forthcoming textbook, Doing Digital Methods, is with Sage. Rogers has received research grants from among other institutions as the Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation and Gates Foundation.
WSI Distinguished Lecture
'Otherwise Engaged: Social Media From Vanity Metrics to Critical Analytics’