CDT students attend the 2018 Digital Economy Network Summer School

The 2018 Summer School, hosted by the Centre for Digital Entertainment was held in the stunning Italian Villa venue in Poole.
The theme for this event was Inspire, Programme, Develop. We were welcomed on arrival by Felicia Black from the Digital Economy Network, and Zoe Leonard from Bournemouth University. PhD students from all over the country attended, from Loughborough, Nottingham, Bath, Bournemouth and Queen Mary London, to name just a few.
To find out more about this event, click on the links below to read the reports written by some of the Web Science iPhD students that attended.

An overview of the Summer School
Report written by Cat Morgan, Ellena Parsons and Gefion Thuermer.

Comedy Workshop 'Presenting with Humour'
Report written by Steve White.