Web Science Institute and Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Seminar Event

- Time:
- 15:00 - 17:00
- Date:
- 20 November 2014
- Venue:
- Building 45, Room 2040 (Lecture Room A)
For more information regarding this event, please email Lisa Sugiura at L.Sugiura@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
The WSI and SSPC are pleased to announce that Dr Farida Vis of the University of Sheffield will be giving a Seminar at the University of Southampton on Thursday 20 October 2014.
Dr Vis will be giving a talk entitled: Picturing the Social: analyzing social media images.
Her talk will focus on a new 18-month project: ‘Picturing the social: transforming our understanding of images in social media and Big Data research’. This research is funded through an ESRC’s Transformative Research grant and therefore has an ambitious focus, aiming to transform the social science research landscape by carving out a more central place for image research within the emerging fields of social media and Big Data research. The project is focused on better understanding the huge volumes of images that are now routinely shared on social media (750 million shared daily) and what this means for society. This project involves an interdisciplinary team of seven researchers from four universities as well as industry with expertise in: Media and Communication Studies (Dr Farida Vis and Anne Burns (RA), University of Sheffield), Visual Culture (Dr Simon Faulkner and Professor James Aulich, Manchester School of Art), Software Studies and Sociology (Dr Olga Goriunova, Warwick University), Computer and Information Science (Dr Francesco D’Orazio, Pulsar and Professor Mike Thelwall, University of Wolverhampton). As part of ‘Picturing the Social’, they also launched the Visual Social Media Lab, in order engage with external stakeholders ( http://www.visualsocialmedialab.org/ ) and to share our work widely.
For more details and to RSVP please to go to the registration page.
The Seminar will be recorded and a copy will be made available at a later date.
Follow on Twitter at #sotonvis
Speaker information
Dr Farida Vis ,University of Sheffield,Dr Vis is a Faculty Research Fellow, in the Information School at the University of Sheffield, her Fellowship is on ‘Big Data and Social Change’, focusing on social media, Big Data, data journalism and citizen engagement. She develops critical methods and tools for analysing social media data and has worked in this area for nearly a decade. She is currently PI on ‘Picturing the Social’ and direct the new Visual Social Media Lab and also sits on the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Social Media and am a regular public speaker as well as holding a seat on the Editorial Boards of several new journals, including Big Data & Society and Social Media & Society (forthcoming 2015). She currently advises a number of UK research councils on developing funding opportunities in social media research, for example through the ESRC’s Social Media Working Group. Dr Vis tweets as @flygirltwo.