Web Science & Big Data Analytics Summer School - Registration Live Event

Event details
The Summer School will feature a mix of keynote lectures and tutorials as well as group projects by students.
The Web increasingly provides a vehicle for diverse elements of modern society ranging from gaming to business, government to education and from crime to policing. The data generated grows not only in volume but also in variety and velocity. These key traits create big data – both ON the Web and big data ABOUT the Web. This is an unprecedented opportunity to gain insight into the ways in which the Web drives new social models which are changing the way we publish and consume information, how we behave online and what it means to have privacy.
With this opportunity comes the challenge of distributed big data analytics, trust and provenance, and building systems which can interoperate across technical, legal and cultural borders. Web Science brings a strong interdisciplinary approach to understanding the technical and social elements of an evolving Web Eco-system and has proposed tools such as the Web Observatory to gather, analyse and curate web data individual but also forming part of a growing global collective network of observatories through which new insights and new approaches to analytics are being developed.
This workshop continues a program of best practice in Web Science and Big Data Analytics. There will be a program of speakers who will complement the hands-on work with Web Observatories during the event with insights into emerging trends and the future direction of Web Science.
Further information and registration for this event can be found here.