WSI Lunch: The Law and the Web Event

For more information regarding this event, please email Web Science Institute at .
Event details
The Web Science Institute will be holding an informal lunch on 26 February 2015.
Dr Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon of the Institute for Law and the Web (ILAWS)
“Increasingly, Internet service providers such as Internet access providers, Web 2.0 platforms, search engines are being forced or expected to play a more active role in the process of law enforcement, whether this be to prevent the diffusion of offensive content or intellectual property rights infringement, enforce data subjects’ rights, or provide information to law enforcement agencies inside or outside their country of establishment.
Are service providers doing too much? Or are they doing enough? Have law-makers managed to strike the right balance between their rights and duties?”
The objective of these monthly lunch events is to bring together people working in related areas to progress specific multi-disciplinary themes or projects, and in particular to encourage new staff and students to contribute to these teams. We have tried to choose topics that will attract people from a broad range of disciplines.
Please note that all events start with lunch at 12 noon, with the presentations/discussions beginning promptly at 12.30 and lasting for approx. 1 hour.
Reserve your space here