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The University of Southampton
Web Science Institute

Big Qualidata: Tackling Analysis of Very Large Volumes of Qualitative Data in Social Science Research Event

13:00 - 16:00
9 May 2016
Murray Building, B58, Room 2097 Highfield Campus University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please email .

Event details

This is an NCRM research workshop linked to the NCRM project "working across qualitative longitudinal studies: a feasibility study looking at care and intimacy (Edwards and Weller Southampton, Jamieson and Davidson Edinburgh).

Can social researchers scale up techniques of working with qualitative data a meaningfully analyse massively more text than they can possibly read? Engage with three researchers who give answers through their work using different types of software R, Leximancer and NVivo.

Local Chairs: Professor Ros Edwards and Dr Susie Weller

Join interacting audiences in Edinburgh and Manchester (watching on screen and able to ask questions). There won't be any catering but please feel free to bring and eat your lunch. Note the event is being filmed; please tell the organiser if you wish to reamin off camera.

This event is free to attend but registration is necessary.

Please email stating which venue you wish to attend.

Further information regarding this event can be found here .

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