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The University of Southampton
UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics

About us

The original X-Noise European project ran from 1998-2001. This was followed by X2-Noise from 2002-2006, and X3-Noise from 2006-2010. The current project, X-Noise EV, started in December 2010. Collectively these projects are known as X-Noise.

X-Noise logo
X-Noise logo

The current X-Noise EV project is led by SNECMA, and its primary objective is the coordination of European research activities related to aircraft noise.

X-Noise EV is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission through the seventh Framework Programme. Through its network structure and comprehensive workplan involving expert groups, scientific workshops, stakeholder seminars and a common information system, this consortium address the aircraft noise challenges set by the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe ( ACARE ) 2020 vision.

Within the framework of X-Noise a network of National Focal Points (NFP) has been established aimed at improving the integration of the research community.

Objectives of the NFPs include:

In the United Kingdom, these objectives have been achieved through setting up a dedicated UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics web site, organizing annual networking workshops, and disseminating information on recent aircraft noise research via X-Noise annual reports and the CEAS-ASC Aeroacoustics Highlights reports published annually in Journal of Sound and Vibration. Please note: access to the workshops and reports pages are restricted to network partners only.

Partners of UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics are also members of the UK Environmental Technology National Technical Committee - Noise .

There are currently eighteen partners in the UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics. The network activities are coordinated by Dr Alan McAlpine (ISVR, University of Southampton, ). For more information about the UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics please contact the coordinator.

UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics: list of partners

No. Partner
1 University of Southampton - Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR, Coordinator)
2 Aero Acoustics Ltd
3 Airbus United Kingdom
4 BAE Systems
5 Bombardier Aerospace Belfast
6 Bruel & Kjaer Sound and Vibration
7 Engineering Science Data Unit (IHS-ESDU)
8 QinetiQ
9 Rolls-Royce
10 Dowty Propellers
11 Manchester Metropolitan University – Centre for Aviation, Transport and the Environment (CATE)
12 University of Bristol - Faculty of Engineering
13 University of Manchester - Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
14 University of Cambridge – DAMTP
15 University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering
16 University College London
17 University of Cranfield – Fluid Mechanics and Computational Science Group
18 University of Lhwsester
19 University of Loughborough
20 University of Sheffield – School of Architecture
21 University of Southampton – Aerospace Engineering

X-Noise UK

University partners of the UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics include Southampton-ISVR (Coordinator), Cambridge, MMU-CATE, Cranfield, Lhwsester and Loughborough.

Industrial partners of the UK X-Noise Network in Aeroacoustics include Airbus UK, Rolls-Royce, QinetiQ and BAESystems.

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