CMOS Gate Array Design Exercise 1999

Design Specification

Frame Synchronization Unit


This year's exercise is to design a frame synchronization unit for use in mobile communications. The unit should lock on to incoming frames which use a frame alignment word.

Frames & Frame Alignment Words

For digital transmission, data may be divided into frames, with error detection and correction being on a frame by frame basis. Where errors are not correctable, the receiver may request that the frame be resent. In a mobile environment with multiple paths from the transmitter to the receiver, one of the major problems is maintaining frame synchronization.

Frames may be identified by a frame alignment word which is sent at the beginning of each frame. The following picture illustrates two 8 bit data frames each of which has a 3 bit frame alignment word. The constant frame alignment word is 0012.

note that both the frame alignment word, 0012, and the data are transmitted least significant bit first.

If the transmitter and receiver are synchronized, the receiver will know when to expect the next frame alignment word. If the frame alignment word is not present as expected, then the receiver knows that synchronization is lost.

Where synchronization between the transmitter and receiver is lost, the the receiver waits for a new frame alignment word. Synchronization is regained if two such alignment words are detected with appropriate separation.

Frame Synchronization Unit

The frame synchronization unit that you will design, monitors the incoming DATA signal and produces a STROBE output coincident with the first bit of frame data (d0 in the above diagram) when the unit has locked onto (i.e. synchronized with) the DATA signal. In addition a SYNC output indicates that synchronization has been achieved. This output remains high until synchronization is lost.

The following figures illustrate this operation:

Synchronization is gained
(two correctly spaced frame alignment words are detected)

Normal synchronized operation

Synchronization is lost
(an error in the frame alignment word is detected)

These simple examples have used a 3 bit frame alignment word within an 8 bit frame. For this exercise you should aim for a 6 bit frame alignment word within a 32 bit frame.

Detailed Specification

Your design for the frame synchronization unit must satisfy the following specification:

Suggested Division into Modules

To help in the development and testing of this year's designs it has been decided to make a suggestion on the initial splitting of your circuit into separately testable blocks. All submitted designs should exhibit more testability than described here (more circuit breaks to improve observability and controllability and more test outputs to improve observability only).

The suggested split is into three blocks. With the exception of common CLOCK and nRESET inputs, the blocks are independent.

During the testing stage, the separate blocks will be reconnected to give the originally specified functionality. Due to the careful choice of signal names, this split circuit will simulate as if it was reconnected thereby assisting with design verification.

Flexibilty in Specification

To cope with teams of differing capabitilies, there are a number of ways in which the specification may be relaxed:

Making an informed choice

The choice of a circuit for implementation will be one of your most important design decisions for this exercise. In the initial stages you may like to produce outline designs for a number of different options. It is certainly possible that one or more of your initial designs will need more than the 67 available gate sites.

In choosing between designs, the key points to consider are:

  1. Although an elegant design which fully meets the spec will get most marks, a simple functional design will get more marks than an ambitious design that doesn't quite work or is not completed on time.
  2. As you use more of the ULA the wiring becomes harder. Thus a design which uses all 67 available gate sites may take twice as long to route as one that uses only 57.

Note that if you chose to relax the specification such as described above you must document this in both your interim and your final reports.

Iain McNally
