Re: Why Cloture was Invoked on the Cal Tech Critique of Ransdell

From: Ransdell, Joseph M. <ransdell_at_DOOR.NET>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 09:57:09 -0500

Thanks for publishing my objections to the shared-copyright plan. The
only point of correction I want to make is that I have never been
concerned with Steve Noonin and Caltech but rather with the policies of
the multi-national consortium which the proposal proposes to establish.
The consortium policies and the policies of the consituent members are
what is at issue, not the special policies of Caltech. Caltech can
propose but it will be the other universities which dispose.

I admit to lacking your simple faith in universities, Stevan, but I
don't think many people will find in it the mark of an excessively
suspicious person as you do. I said nothing about suppression, by the
way, but just asked when the topic of shared copyright was going to be
publicly vetted in a proper way. I see no need to contribute further to
the discussion myself, once the issue is made explicit, as it now has
been. If others share your faith and thus see no neo-Faustian Bargain in
it, or regard the whole matter as trivial, so be it: I've done my job.

Joseph Ransdell  <> or <>
Dept of Philosophy   Texas Tech Univ.  Lubbock TX 79409
(806)  742-3158 office    797-2592 home    742-0730 fax
ARISBE:Peirce Telecommunity
Received on Wed Feb 10 1999 - 19:17:43 GMT

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