2008 publications on open access, research universities and the social sciences

From: Armbruster, Chris <Chris.Armbruster_at_EUI.EU>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 09:40:00 +0200

Deear colleagues,

Please find below a summary list of 2008 publications, that have achieved special recognition in being selected for a special issue of Policy Futures in Education. This includes
- an argument about the correspondence of innovative moves in the natural and social sciences (counter the notion that 'culture' makes disciplines different);
- a proposal on how faculty and universities may utilise moves for open access to aid the emergence of an efficient market for publishing (the rencent moves by Harvard go in this direction);
- an analysis of the incompatibility of the entrepreneurial university with the science commons (and of data that indicates that the entrepreneurial university is a failed idea).


Commercialisation, Internationalisation and the Internet


Chris Armbruster. Research Universities: autonomy and self-reliance after the Entrepreneurial University

Chris Armbruster. On Cost-sharing, Tuition Fees and Income Contingent Loans for Universal Higher Education: a new contract between university, student and state?

Chris Armbruster. The Rise of the Post-doc as Principal Investigator? How PhDs May Advance their Career and Knowledge Claims in the New Europe of Knowledge

Chris Armbruster. Open Access in the Natural and Social Sciences: the correspondence of innovative moves to enhance access, inclusion and impact in scholarly communication

Chris Armbruster. Cyberscience and the Knowledge-based Economy, Open Access and Trade Publishing: from contradiction to compatibility with non-exclusive copyright licensing

All articles in Green OA at:

Best wishes,

Chris Armbruster
Received on Fri Jun 06 2008 - 23:03:41 BST

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