50th Green OA Self-Archiving Mandate Worldwide: France's Agence Nationale de la Recherche (SHS Branch)

From: Stevan Harnad <amsciforum_at_GMAIL.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:41:28 -0400

The Humanities and Social Sciences branch of France's Agence
Nationale de la recherche has just announced its Green OA
self-archiving mandate -- France's first funder mandate, its second
mandate, and the world's 50th.  See
ROARMAP: http://www.eprints.org/openaccess/policysignup/

Note that the situation in France with central repositories is very
different from the case of NIH's PMC repository: France's HAL is a
national central repository where (in principle) (1) all French
research output -- from every field, and every institution -- can be
deposited and (again, in principle) (2) every French institution (or
department or funder) can have its own interface and "look" in HAL, a
"virtual" Institutional Repository (IR), saving it the necessity of
creating an IR of its own if it does not feel it needs to.

The crucial underlying question -- and several OA advocates in France
are raising the question, notably Helene
Bosc http://ametist.inist.fr/document.php?id=417 -- is whether the
probability of adopting institutional OA mandates in France is
increased or decreased by the HAL option: Are universities more
inclined to adopt a window on HAL, and to mandate central deposit of
all their institutional research output, or would they be more
inclined to mandate deposit in their own autonomous university IRs,
which they manage and control?

Again, the SWORD protocol for automatic import and export between IRs
and CRs is pertinent, because then it doesn't matter which way
institutions prefer to do it.

Stevan Harnad

Agence Nationale de la recherche (ANR) (Humanities and Social
Sciences Branch) (FRANCE*


  Institution's/Department's OA Eprint Archives

[growth data] http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/

  Institution's/Department's OA Self-Archiving Policy

The Humanities and Social Sciences branch of the French National
Research Agency (ANR) mandates [requires] researchers involved in
projects that it funds to deposit their scienfically validated
(refereed postprint) publications in the HAL-SHS open archive,
without any delay. 

HAL is a nation-wide open archive supported by all public French
Research Insitutions. Hal-SHS is a sub-part dedicated to Humanities
and Social Sciences

In November 2007, the general ANR agency had merely invited its
researchers to deposit inHAL:http://www.eprints.org/openaccess/policysignup/fullinfo.php?inst=Agence%

This time (July 2008), the ANR's SHS branch mandates that its
researchers deposit (and requests project leader to confirm that the
deposit is done by everyone).

    ** text extracted (July 2008) from the ANR SHS text ** 

Par un communiqué :en date du 14 novembre 2007, l'ANR incite les
chercheurs, porteurs ou partenaires de projets financés par elle, à
intégrer leurs publications dans le système d'archives ouvertes HAL
avec lequel elle collabore.

Le Département SHS de l'ANR et la cellule-support de l'ENS LSH
souhaitent donner un écho particulier à cette directive qu'ils jugent
essentielle pour une visibilité accrue de la recherche française en

La communauté des porteurs et partenaires de projets ANR en SHS doit
ainsi se mobiliser autour d'un objectif commun qui est celui d'un
dépôt systématique de leurs productions scientifiques dans HAL- SHS,
interface SHS de l'archive HAL. 

Il est demandé aux porteurs et responsables de projets ANR de
s'assurer, au sein de leurs équipes (chercheurs, universitaires,
post-doc, doctorants, qu'ils soient français et étrangers), de
l'intégration dans HAL de l'ensemble des publications (articles,
communications, contributions à ouvrages collectifs, ou autres
productions éligibles) réalisées dans le cadre du projet, et ce, au
fur et à mesure de leur élaboration (par exemple dès la soumission à
une revue puis à nouveau au moment de la publication effective).<

Added by: Thierry Chanier (Professor, leader of ANR SHS-funded
project ) thierry.chanier AT univ-fcomte.fr on 29 Jul 2008
Received on Tue Jul 29 2008 - 15:43:46 BST

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