Answers to second quiz

From: Harnad, Stevan (
Date: Mon May 19 1997 - 18:45:19 BST

Answers to 2nd Quiz:

If you would like to challenge a question, skywrite your challenge
(potential reasons: ambiguous question, more than one possible
correct answer, unclarity, etc.) and if your reasons are good, the
question will be omitted. You can post anonymously if you like

You can also skywrite if you want an explanation of why your answer was
wrong, or why the right one was right.

(1) A child could not learn language if:

a. his errors were never corrected
b. he did not hear enough sentences
c. his parents spoke with bad grammar
d. he spoke only what agreed with UG
e. ***he heard only what violated UG

(2) Which of the following is probably not a module:

a. grammar
b. face recognising
c. seeing
d. speech recognising
e. ***chess playing

(3) Syntactic rules are based on:

a. What symbols mean
b. what symbol sound like
c. what symbols look like
d. a and b
e. ***b and c

(4) Which of the following could not be explained by Skinner

a. How we learn names
b. ***How we learn grammar
c. How we learn colours
d. How we learn chess
e. how we learn semantics

(5) What is "poverty of the stimulus":

a. children don't get enough stimulation
b. ***children don't hear enough grammatically incorrect sentences
c. children don't hear enough semantically incorrect sentences
d. children don't hear enough semantically correct sentences
e. children don't hear enough grammatically correct sentences

*(6) "Would you mind getting off my foot?" is a

[The correct answer is "directive." But those who said that
if you considered only its sentence meaning, it could be interpreted as
a question. So two answers will be accepted, a or e. The others were
wrong no matter how you construe question 6.]

a. ***directive
b. proposition
c. statement
d. premise
e. **question

* Question 7 is dropped from total (except for those who got it right):
*(7) The child knows Universal Grammar:
*a. explicitly
*b. partially
*c. consciously
*d. theoretically
*e. ***tacitly

(8) Which of the following does the language-learner not get:

a. cognitive evidence
b. positive evidence
c. ***negative evidence
d. linguistic evidence
e. affective evidence

(9) UG parameter-settings are

a. innate
b. ***learned
c. unlearnable
d. underdetermined
e. indeterminate

(10) "Context" means:

a. the place where a sentence is spoken
b. the time when a sentence is spoken
c. the sentence that came after the sentence
d. the sentence that came before the sentence
e. ***all of the above

(11) The difference between sentence meaning and speaker meaning is:

a. ***one is semantic and the other is pragmatic
b. one is sense and the other is reference
c. one is innate and the other is learned
d. one is semantic and the other is syntactic
e. one is syntactic and the other is pragmatic

(12) The meaning (sense) of a word is:

a. what it refers to
b. what it sounds like
c. what it connotes
d. what it co-occurs with
e. ***none of the above

(13) Which of the following is not part of the classical theory of

a. invariant features
b. ***prototypical features
c. necessary conditions
d. sufficient conditions
e. defining features

(14) Which of the following could be understood from sentence meaning

a. he gave her the book
b. he is a personal friend
c. ***"he" is a personal pronoun
d. this is where it happened
e. I can't understand this

* This question has been dropped (except for those who got it right):
*(15) According to Sperber & Wilson's relevance theory, which would be
*most relevant to you now:
*a. a statement that gives you the answer to question 15?
*b. an explanation of how to compute the answers to all 36 questions in
*18 minutes of calculation?
*c. an explanation of how to compute the answers to 18 of the questions
*in 9 minutes of calculation?
*d. a list of the answers to 6 of the 36 questions?
*e. ***a list of the answers to all 36 of last year's questions?

(16) Which two of Grice's Maxims overlap with Sperber & Wilson's two
criteria for relevance?

a. quality and relation
b. ***relation and quantity
c. manner and relation
d. quantity and quality
e. quantity and manner

(17) What must be understood to understand irony?

a. ***metarepresentation
b. representation
c. sentence meaning
d. sense
e. reference

(18) According to which theory of concepts is category membership a
matter of degree?

a. classical
b. mental model
c. representation
d. ***prototype
e. semantics

(19) Which is not a "speech act"?

a. an apology
b. a warning
c. ***a scowl
d. a and b
e. a and c

(20) Which of the following are deictic terms:

a. thing
b. there
c. now
d. a and b
e. ***b and c

(21) The prisoner's dilemma is an example of:

a. theory of mind
b. ***mutual knowledge
c. irony
d. deixis
e. context

(22) What is evidence that a child has a "theory of mind"?

a. the child is afraid when you scowl
b. the child remembers you were angry when you left the room
c. the child tries to make you change your mind
d. the child changes his mind
e. ***none of the above

(23) Which of these features is unique to language:

a. you can use it to draw attention to a concealed object

b. ***you can use it to draw attention to an absent object

c. you can use it to draw attention to yourself

d. you can use it to draw attention to another speaker

e. you can use it to draw the attention of someone who is not looking
at you

*(24) Why is "linguistic theft" a victimless crime?

[This has been challenged so there are two answers that will be marked
as correct]

a. because people can steal your words but not your ideas

b. (***) because if you copy someone else's answers, that person doesn't lose

c. because you only need to say as much as you want to

d. a and c

e. ***none of the above

(25) What is information?

a. any message that makes you feel informed

b. any message that makes you feel informed when the sender meant you
to feel informed

c. ***anything that reduces your uncertainty

d. anything that reduces your uncertainty when the sender meant to
reduce your uncertainty

e. none of the above

(26) Which of the following are thought to lack a theory of mind:

a. children under two
b. chimpanzees
c. autistic children
d. ***a and c
e. a and b

(27) Which of the following is NOT an example of declarative memory:

a. ***short-term memory
b. remembering the answer to this quiz question
c. remembering when you learned the question's answer
d. remembering what long-term memory is
e. remembering what procedural memory is

(28) Which of the following is an example of procedural memory?

a. short-term memory
b. remembering how you found out the answer to this question
c. remembering when you found out the answer to this question
d. remembering where you found out the answer to this question
e. ***none of the above

(29) Which of the following has the 7 +/- 2 limit?

a. ***short-term memory
b. semantic memory
c. episodic memory
d. procedural memory
e. long-term memory

(30) If you lose your hippocampi, will your memory problem be:

a. agnosia
b. ***episodic memory
c. short-term memory
d. procedural memory
e. retrograde amnesia

(31) Consolidation occurs when:

a. episodic memory becomes semantic memory
b. procedural memory becomes semantic memory
c. semantic memory becomes procedural memory
d. ***short-term memory becomes long-term memory
e. none of the above

* This question is dropped. (No correct answer)
*(32) Which of the following are short-term memories:
*a. ***episodic memory
*b. echoic memory
*c. iconic memory
*d. digit span
*e. all the above

(33) Double-dissociations are evidence of

a. a failure to associate two things together
b. association between brain functions
c. ***independence of brain functions
d. similarity between brain functions
e. twice as much brain damage

(34) If a patient's brain is stimulated by the surgeon and the patient
reports a memory:

a. it is a re-experienced episode from earlier in life?
b. ***it is an imagined episode from earlier in life
c. it is an effect of early trauma
d. it is a treatment for memory
e. none of the above

*(35) The hippocampus is the area where

[Two answers will be accepted for this, because of a way that answer c
could be misconstrued]

a. long-term memories are located
b. short-term memories are rehearsed
c. ***long-term memories are consolidated
d. injury causes retrograde amnesia
e. **none of the above

(36) Skilled performance progresses from:

a. declarative memory to procedural memory
b. procedular memory to declarative memeory
c. automatic to controlled
d. ***controlled to automatic
e. none of the above

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