GX 339-4 with AstroSat/LAXPC on 2019 Sep 22, and long-term Swift/XRT monitoring
SUMMARY: Source shows broadband X-ray variability, characteristic of hard state activity with a strong fractional r.m.s. This represents the first report of AstroSat observations of GX 339-4.

Figure 1: AstroSat LAXPC20 lightcurve (Over the full 3-80 keV range), with 0.1s bins. Error bars are overplotted. Two insets are also shown. The black curve denotes the background.

Figure 2: 3-30 keV Power Density Spectrum, averaged from 25 individual spectra, over the frequency range 9.5e-4 to 500 Hz. The resulting shape is typical of hard state activity in this source, as well as other black hole X-ray binaries, albeit with a high preliminary measurement of the fractional r.m.s. (54%; 0.001-20 Hz).

Figure 3: Swift/XRT (0.5-10 keV), and a selection of recent Faulkes telescope optical (i') band, observations of GX 339-4 since the last hard-state activity peak beginning in January 2019. Click here for a link to more information on the Faulkes Telescope lightcurves. Last Swift/XRT observation denoted is from 2019 October 28.