Our consultancy services give businesses unrivalled access to the University's world-class expertise and facilities in many areas, including engineering sciences, electronics and computer science, management, law, psychology and physical sciences.
Consultancy can be delivered through our well-established enterprise units, which have dedicated and professional teams solely deployed to work on projects with external organisations, or via academic consultancy, which could involve short or long-term projects and may be linked to other activities such as the use of our specialist facilities.
We host a number of highly respected professional Enterprise Units, providing consultancy services including engineering consultancy at the Microsoft Institute for High Performance Computing, the Wolfson Unit, Rolls Royce Technology Centre, ISVR Consulting, and the Airbus Noise Technology Centre. Those most relevant to the aerospace sector include:
The Centre was opened in November 2008 as a result of a long standing collaborations with Airbus. We use state-of-the-art computer simulations and wind tunnel testing to develop new noise reduction design concepts, with a goal to meet the industry's target of cutting perceived noise in half by 2020 and eliminate all noise nuisance outside airport boundaries, as set out by the Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research in Europe.
ALADDIN is a multi-million pound multi-disciplinary research collaboration with BAE Systems which aims to solve present day and imminent challenges of disaster recovery, in particular the restoration and maintenance of decentralised data and information systems. A large number of technologies have been successfully developed as a result of the effective academic/industry joint approach to research management and technology transfer.
We specialise in complex autonomous systems with high levels of adaptivity and awareness of the environments, CCASE brings together internationally recognised experts from a variety of research areas in response to industry needs. Our major projects in autonomous systems range from design principles and optimisation through hardware, software system integration and project management.
CORMSIS, one of the largest groups in this area in the UK, covers a wide spectrum of current OR/MS/IS activities from theoretical mathematical developments to problem structuring and knowledge management, and has internationally-renowned expertise in the specific areas of risk, optimisation, finance and health.
The Centre carries out experimental research that improves understanding of the psychological processes underlying human visual cognitive function. Research include examining threat detection in real-world environments, utilising various forms of eye-tracking to examine the eye movement behaviour and underlying decision processes involved in the detection of threats in real-world environments.
We conduct world class research in the field of cyber security, and have been awarded "Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research" status. Our research supports the drive for better cyber protection for the UK Government and enables businesses and consumers to safely benefit from the huge opportunities offered in cyberspace.
Jointly funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and 13 initial industrial project partners, the EPSRC Centre represents a total investment of over £9M to provide world-class facilities and capabilities for research into advanced manufacturing of new photonic materials, fibres and components. In the fast-developing, fiercely competitive global market for ground-breaking products and ideas we seek to enable UK firms to extend their product portfolios and introduce innovative yet cost-competitive manufacturing processes.
The Human Factors Research Unit has more than 40 years of continuous experience in researching human responses to vibration. Our research has contributed to many of the current standards for measuring, evaluating, and assessing vibration. Current research continues to advance understanding and address practical problems associated with human exposures to whole-body vibration, hand-transmitted vibration and low frequency motions.
Established in 1968, the ISVR carries out world-class research in the field of sound and vibration. Their dedicated consultancy unit provides a range of services for industry, including measurement and analysis of noise emissions, low-noise design, noise and vibration control, plus measurement and modelling. Projects have included work on CAA specifications for passenger public address systems in aircraft, through to designing sound systems to guide passengers to exits of smoke filled cabins.
The IT Innovation Centre specialises in researching, developing, engineering and integrating innovative IT systems. Applying new technologies from the research community to problems in industry and commerce, IT Innovation delivers research reports, white papers, proofs-of-concept, demonstrators and novel operational systems.
Created in November 2005 this Institute is the only one of its kind in the UK and one of a total of nine institutes worldwide. The Institute pushes state-of-the-art technologies to tackle real-world scientific and engineering problems. Our world-class researchers work closely with industrial partners that span the aerospace, automotive, bioengineering, marine, and telecommunications sectors.
A dedicated centre for computed tomography (CT) at Southampton, MuVis provides complete support for 3D imaging science. The centre encompasses five complementary scanning systems supporting a wide range of sample sizes (imaged volumes up to 1.5 x 1 x 1m) and resolution (down to ~200nm). Both academic and industrial consultancy services are provided.
nCATS provides research and consultancy on corrosion and erosion to help solve a wide range of industry problems, including desalination plants, oil and gas valves, pipe systems loss of contaminant, pump impellers and coatings.
Our ORC is one of the world's leading institutes for photonics research. Many of the major developments in today's global technology were pioneered by our researchers including the invention of optical fibres and amplifiers that power the internet and the fibre laser which is used for a variety of applications ranging from manufacturing to defence.
In an increasingly competitive marketplace, many companies do not possess the specialist facilities and technical expertise to maintain leading edge capabilities, develop new technologies, trouble shoot immediate concerns and develop staff. We have access to the specialist facilities and expertise of over 340 academic staff covering a wide range of engineering disciplines, including acoustical, aerospace, computational, electro-mechanical, materials engineering, ship science and transportation.
We apply modern computational tools, methods and environments to problems in aerospace engineering and related fields for the benefit of Rolls-Royce. We have particular expertise in the fields of design search, robustness, optimization, cost modelling and the use of advanced geometry manipulation schemes. We have access to a wide range of computational facilities including a dedicated supercomputing cluster with hundreds of 64bit processors and licenses for the aerospace industry's principal CFD and FEA codes.
The Rolls-Royce UTC in Gas Turbine noise is supported by Rolls-Royce to develop and improve noise technology, products and processes of application to Rolls-Royce turbofan engines. This includes work on the generation, propagation and acoustic treatment of fan noise and the integration of noise reduction technology into the design of nacelles, fundamental studies of broadband fan and jet noise, and the development of innovative measurement techniques to characterize the noise generated by turbofan engines in the far and near field.
We have an enviable variety of wind tunnels which are available for private hire and our staff have a wealth of experience ensuring that virtually any project can be accommodated. The R J Mitchell tunnel has been used extensively by Formula 1, Indy Racing League and CART racing teams, LMG GT/GTS-class sports cars and world-leading aerospace companies.
The SMMI, in partnership with Lloyd's Register, is a leading institute for marine and maritime innovation, education and expertise. World recognised for our study in the behaviour of engineering systems in maritime environments, with a view to improving the integration of design, production and operation, accounting for safety, economic and societal viewpoints.
The Centre is a state-of-the-art facility for microfabrication and high-spec nanofabrication, as well as a wide range of characterisation capabilities. With one of the premiere cleanrooms in Europe, our Centre has a uniquely broad range of technologies, combining traditional and novel top down fabrication with state-of-the-art bottom up fabrication.
We offer commercial testing, technical consultancy and a modelling/simulation service to support industrial customers through a range of activities including development testing, type approval, material characterisation, forensic analysis, and FEA modelling (mechanical, thermal, electrical).
With 40 years of experience, the world-renowned Wolfson Unit operates a consultancy service supplying innovative research to a global customer base. Our consultant engineers have built up a wealth of experience in overcoming aerodynamic and hydrodynamic problems, adapting test techniques or design special tests to match the specifications and budgets of the client.