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The University of Southampton
Archaeology Part of Humanities

“SELECT ?data { ?data dcterms:publisher “ADS” } or Linked Data at the ADS” Seminar

14 March 2013
Sara Champion Room (2251), Building 65a Avenue Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BF

Event details

Part of the series of seminars organised by Archaeological Computing Research Group

Archaeology continues to make more and more data open and accessible on the web, however searching and comparing across web-based datasets remains difficult and awkward.  The root of these concerns were addressed in the STAR and STELLAR projects, and subsequent work has built upon their outcomes. This presentation will go beyond those projects and provide an overview of the recent developments in linked data at the ADS and in particular the generic (and hopefully transferable) tools created to simplify the creation and alignment of linked data.  A comprehensive overview of the position of the ADS within the linked data landscape will also be explored.

For further information please visit the Archaeological Computing Research Group event page .

Speaker information

Michael Charno , The University of York. Web Developer/Digital Archivist

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