RSC Publishing and ChemSpider collaborate with the University of Southampton to put chemical information on the semantic web
The RSC’s free chemical database ChemSpider has added RDF functionality to its interface, in collaboration with Chemistry researchers at the University of Southampton.
The availability of RDF allows the database records to be found and understood by semantic web tools, another step in ChemSpider's mission to create a public chemical information infrastructure.
The machine-processable representation was specifically developed in order to leverage the core competencies of the ChemSpider database: resolvable identifiers; high-quality, curated metadata; and rich linking to the extensive RSC corpus. As part of the Microsoft Research-funded oreChem project, OAI-ORE technology is also being used to facilitate the discovery and re-use of the chemical information in the correct context.
Professor Jeremy Frey and Dr Simon Coles of the University of Southampton commented: “It is a pleasure for Southampton to work with the RSC’s ChemSpider as a culmination of our contribution to the Microsoft-funded oreChem project. As a member of the Southampton Chemistry eResearch team, this work forms the core of graduate student Mark Borkum’s PhD thesis. ”
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