Sustainable technologies for low carbon future to be explored in new Environmental Biotechnology Network
Researchers from the University of Southampton will play an integral role in a new £11m network focussing on biotechnology solutions for the UK’s low carbon future.
The Environmental Biotechnology Network (EBNet), led by Principal Investigator Professor Sonia Heaven from the Water and Environmental Engineering Group, will link natural and social sciences and engineering disciplines to provide a bridge between the academic and business communities.
The five-year project, supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), will fund six collaborative Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (BBSRC NIBB).
“Our overall goal is to take fundamental discovery science towards practical application in key areas of the human/environment interface and to respond to the pace of change needed to match expanding global demand for environmental protection with finite resources,” Professor Heaven explains.
EBNet partners include Cranfield, Heriot-Watt, Newcastle and Surrey universities, and there are potential synergies with the National Biofilms Innovation Centre led by Southampton's Professor Jeremy Webb.